My Bio


As previously mentioned, my name is Emily Quek and I am a senior at Brigham Young University.  I was born in Malaysia and moved to the United States when I was eight years old.  I have one younger sister who is also attending BYU name Jan.  We grew up in Riverside California where it's nice and sunny compared to Provo, Utah. 

I attended Arlington High School and graduated Class of '98 and now I'm here.  I work at the Marriott School of Management Advisement Center as an advisor for all the undergraduate business students.  It's a great job!  I love it.

I also live with 5 fabulous roommates--They are (in no particular order) Janae :-) (my still-in-denial older sister), Melinda, LeeAnne, Robin, and Raquel (who just moved in end of January). We've all been roommates for almost two years (except Robin, she just got back from Jerusalem and moved in beginning of Winter semester, but we all love her just the same). I love to dance and am currently learning how to swing dance.  I also like to read and do creative things. 

The biggest love in my life though is the Savior Jesus Christ.  I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka the Mormons), but you already probably guessed that after you read I went to Brigham Young University.  I received my mission call to serve in the Taipei, Taiwan Mission on March 8, 2001. I will be entering the MTC on May 9, 2001 and returning November 9, 2002. I am so very grateful and excited for the opportunity I have to serve the Lord. Hopefully, I will be able to share my testimony and my love of Jesus Christ with all those that I come in contact with!



©Copyright Emily Quek 2001